Public Agency
Lagerlof has practiced municipal and water law for more than 80 years, earning an unparalleled reputation in this area of practice.
Lagerlof has practiced municipal and water law for more than 80 years, earning an unparalleled reputation in this area of practice.
Our attorneys work to become valuable members of your team by listening to your needs and working hard to help you achieve success in meeting those needs. We have participated in many of southern California’s most prominent water rights cases, and continue to serve as general counsel for numerous public agencies and mutual water companies. We have represented scores of Southern California cities, special districts, joint powers authorities, mutual water companies and private corporations on water-related, environmental, public finance, legislative and rate-setting matters. We also have significant experience in harbor and port development and leasing matters.
Our area of expertise is as follows:
- State Water Project Contract issues
- Contract preparation and dispute resolution
- Water rights validations, adjudications and transfers
- Land and facilities acquisitions through condemnation proceedings and by negotiated purchase.
- CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) processing and litigation
- Clean Water Act and NPDES permit issues
- All phases of public financing, including SRF grants and loans, private loans and municipal bond issuances
- Rate setting and Proposition 26 and 218 compliance
- LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission) proceedings
- Public works construction
- Software licensing and computer equipment transactions
- Brown Act and Public Records Act compliance
- Political Reform Act and conflict-of-interest matters
- Personnel and employment law matters

James Ciampa

Thomas Bunn

William Kruse

Andrew Turner